The North Vandalian Press
The North Vandalian Press is an imprint of Historic Fort Cherry that acts as the brand for our printed and published materials, which are generally more focused on Pittsburgh area history in its entirety. Through The North Vandalian Press, we are aiming to specialize in providing easy access into a deeper knowledge of local lore and history, primarily through printed materials. The Freighter is a novel that is being revived from depths of the local library, after having been out of print for 110 years. The Freighter was a great introductory project for NVP, as the author, Andrew Lyle Russell, was a resident of Midway and a descendent of some original pioneer families within the scope of Historic Fort Cherry's focus. The novel focuses heavily on the events of the Whiskey Rebellion, which is also a prominent bit of local Pittsburgh area lore of the 1790s.​
Behind the Scenes
We found frustration in the lack of availability for some printed materials that heavily pertained to our studies, and so we have taken the opportunity to revive some of these works in physical printed form. We have several books already queued on our list to republish, and we are constantly looking out for others. Each of our editions aim to be completely new and unique, including custom creative design and reset text and layouts whenever possible. Many of these works will likely have additional content for added historical context.​​​​
North Vandalian Press has other ongoing projects unrelated to book republishing. Web-design, other custom design work, and various printed materials and booklets are some examples of the long-term offerings from North Vandalian Press.
What is a North Vandalian?
It's you!...or it could have been you if you had lived in a certain region of the Ohio Valley/Pittsburgh area 250 years ago. Vandalia was a colony planned directly before the American Revolutionary War began. Had the war not kicked off in 1775, the colony of Vandalia very well could have came to fruition. And so we remember and celebrate the alternate identity that never saw the light of day. Before the name Vandalia was proposed, the colony was to be named Pittsylvania; imagine if you will an entire black & gold state themed after Pittsburgh. Oh what could have been. The city of Pittsburgh itself was not intended to be within Vandalia, as the colony's northern border was drawn at the Ohio River. From thence it extended down through much of West Virginia, and west to the Kentucky River.

© 2024 Historic Fort Cherry Association - a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit